A Photograph is Worth A Million Words

The old saying,  "A picture is worth a thousand words", was originally coined in the early 1900s to say that a complex idea can be more easily explained by one picture. In that sense, I would like to believe that a good artistic photograph that makes you think and may give you inspiration is worth a million words.

The two photographs below were shot and edited by a young up and coming photographer named Erica. She not only shoots beautiful photos but she edits them to give them that final touch. Erica is a local artist from the Denver area and has a knack for finding interesting subjects that will make you think.

The first photo has a nice crystal clear reflective effect. In fact, if you turn this photo upside down it is hard to tell the difference. The few ripples in the water give it away but it is hard to see them. Overall it is a beautiful photo.

The second photo shows us a tropical paradise in the background while bringing focus in on the tree trunk with the small carving in it. This is not Erica's first photo featuring a carving in a tree. I know that we will see more from this talented photographer in the future.


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