Random Star-Spangled Banner

A quick but simple photo. I have a habit of taking pictures of American Flags in different places. It may seem like a boring everyday thing, but to me it is an inspiring symbol of our American history both good and bad and a symbol of hope and what can be accomplished by determination and exceptionalism. Above all it represents our men and women who have served our country and made the ultimate sacrafice.
   I have always respected the flag but something changed for me a couple years ago when I made a trip to Washington D.C. and a visit to the Smithsonian American History Museum.  They have an awe inspiring display of the actual flag that flew over Ft. McHenry during the battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812 and inspired Francis Scott Key to write our National Anthem.        

If you ever have a chance, I strongly suggest going to see this display.  It has forever changed the way I hear the National Anthem before a ball game or see Old Glory flying on a flagpole at a school.

Look for future "Random Star-Spangled Banner" posts.


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