An Amateur I Am

Once again, in reference to the previous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson,  "Every artist was first an amateur", I myself am a true amatuer. I'm not afraid to say it and I hope that, in time, I can evolve past amatuer status and claim to have some knowledge and experience in the world of art. I guess it is something we should all strive for, that is to gain knowledge and experience in things we enjoy and are interested in doing.

I am an amateur writer and an amateur art enthusiast. In order to gain knowledge of the art world, I will start my journey of art education by learning about the history of art. I love history and believe it is the best place to start. As I go through this learning process, I may post some of what I learn. So be patient and bear with me if I post common everyday information that most knowledgeable art people already know. I welcome any help, comments or questions.

A lot of art history will focus on traditional art such as painting, drawing,  sculpting, etc. Keep in mind that this site is open to all types of art ( even writing :) ) so hopefully we can discuss a good mixture of all types of art.

I am going to start by exploring :

Let me know if anyone has any other good places to look at.


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