This is a place to discuss art of all types, with a focus on the Rocky Mountain and South Western region. We will highlight new, up and coming artists of all medium types. We will also explore places where we can find and experience art.
Just want to give a quick mention to the Denver Art Museum. One of my favorite places to go. We will discuss it further and in more detail soon.
Rocky Mountain Art Group hasn't posted for a long time but the good news is that we are back! I am in the process of retooling and revamping, so please be patient. Soon I will begin adding new and exciting content.
Have you ever been on a journey in which everywhere you looked there was something new that you had never seen before? If you have you might find that there is also art everywhere you look. A couple weeks ago, I had the privilege of taking such a trip to Australia. This was my first trip to "The Land Down Under" and I can truly say that I could see art everywhere I looked. Maybe because it was my first time traveling to Australia or maybe it is just because the country has so much to offer. In any case there was enough to see that I will be making a series of posts about the trip my family and I took to Australia. Most of the posts will be centered on something to do with Art that we found or experienced there but I can't say I won't get into other topics about the Journey. I will definitely try to tie as much as I can to the art world. Sunrise over Sydney Harbor My first thought about Australia is that it really is a beautiful country. The majority of my time...
If you have ever been to a large antique store, then you may already be aware of the great art pieces that can be found there. When we want to look at art we often think of museums or art shows and we forget about these types of places where there can be an abundance of art to check out. Antiques stores have an extremely wide variety of art and in large ones, you can often spend hours looking at it. A few weeks ago, we went to a local antique store in the Denver area. There was so much to look at that it took us a couple of hours to walk through it. Keep reading below and we will discuss why antique stores are a great place to find art and I will show you a small portion of what we found. If you like what you see, you might be inspired to visit some antique stores to see what you can find. Why Antique Stores? If you have never been to an antique store, you might be wondering why anyone would go to one to find art. Isn’t it just a store full of old furniture and knick-knacks from old ho...
Love the Denver Art Museum!