DAM Women of Abstract Expressionism

The Denver Art Museum presents Women of Abstract Expressionism. Saturday we attended the member's preview of this exibition. With more than 50 works from these artists of the mid 20th century,  most everyone will find something to enjoy. The exhibition features works from the following artists: Mary Abbott, Jay DeFeo, Perle Fine, Helen Frankenthaler, Sonia Gechtoff, Judith Godwin, Grace Hartigan, Elaine de Kooning, Lee Krasner, Joan Mitchell, Deborah Remington, and Ethel Schwabacher. 

This was a terrific display of a variety of Abstract art from these women artists who at times, struggled to make their voices heard among all the popular male artists of the time. You can see some of the struggle and their voices in much of this artwork.

Lee Krasner,  wife of Jackson Pollock,  had a quote displayed at the museum that kind of indicates how these women may have felt during these times. I didn't write the exact quote down but I can paraphrase what she said. She said something like: I was always known as Jackson Pollock's wife, but I was an artist before Pollock,  during Pollock and after Pollock.
Artist: Lee Krasner
Title: Unknown
Year: 1942
Medium: Oil Paint on Linen
This is an overall great exhibit and a tribute to these great women of art. If you have a Chance I highly suggest going to see it.



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