Pearl Street Art Festival

A few weekends ago, I had a chance to make it to the Pearl Street Art Festival up in Boulder. I've written about Pearl Street before and if you're looking for a place to see a lot of different types of art, Pearl Street never disappoints. Pearl Street is a great place to visit and going during the art festival can can be even better. Yes, it was the middle of July, extremely hot and the festival triples the crowd size but an art fest offers many things that typical museums and galleries do not. At an art festival you get to see a very large volume of art using a wide variety of mediums. You get to view the art up close and most all of the art is for sale. While the art at a gallery is usually for sale, you won't find the the wide variety in type of art and price of the art that you will at a festival. Most galleries and museums feel very formal , but a festival feels like a great big fun party. Festivals, galleries, museums, they all have their pros and co...