Art City

From the title, you probably think I am going to talk about a city like France, or Italy or some other European city that is chalked full of classic and modern art. No, this city is right here in the United States. While there are numerous cities in the United States that feature an abundance of art, there is no other like Las Vegas, NV. Largely known for it's gambling and wonderful shows ( which are performance art ), Las Vegas is home to one of largest varieties of art that you can find. Spend just a couple hours on the Strip and you will find art everywhere you look. Street artists everywhere. Statues, sculptures and fountains around every corner. And don't forget even the hotels and casinos themselves are works of art. Where else can you find an environment with such a variety of design and decor. For any one that has been there, you know you can spend days looking around and exploring and not even come close to seeing everything. This is city where even the signs have a ...