Art City

From the title, you probably think I am going to talk about a city like France, or Italy or some other European city that is chalked full of classic and modern art. No, this city is right here in the United States. While there are numerous cities in the United States that feature an abundance of art, there is no other like Las Vegas, NV.

Largely known for it's gambling and wonderful shows ( which are performance art ), Las Vegas is home to one of largest varieties of art that you can find. Spend just a couple hours on the Strip and you will find art everywhere you look. Street artists everywhere. Statues, sculptures and fountains around every corner. And don't forget even the hotels and casinos themselves are works of art. Where else can you find an environment with such a variety of design and decor. For any one that has been there, you know you can spend days looking around and exploring and not even come close to seeing everything. This is city where even the signs have a unique artistic quality to them.


As you walk the Strip and the many malls within the hotels, you will also find art galleries which may feature specific types of art for sale. It's always free to stop in them and view the numerous works they have for sale. Just remember that in most of these gallery shops, you are not allowed to take pictures. They want to sell you the art, so they usually are not ok with you photographing it. This is a good thing because it is an opportunity for many artist to make money and get rewarded for their hard work. So take your time and enjoy the free art and maybe purchase something if you see something you really like. There is one gallery in the Forum shops at Caesar's Palace called "Martin Lawrence Galleries", which is home to some great works from many famous artists such as Warhol, Picasso, Rembrandt, Renoir, Lichtenstein and more. All the pieces are for sale and it is a great place to see some master works of art from some of the greats.

The architectural structures in Vegas are spectacular. When you walk or drive down the strip, you can't help but notice the enormity of all the eye catching buildings, sculptures and signs. Of course they are all designed to catch your eye and get you into their casino, but none the less, it is something that you can not find in many other places and it has an addictive quality which draws you back to it over and over again.

The Bellagio

As we all know, the performing arts are alive and well in Las Vegas. On the streets and in the hotel theaters, there is something for everyone. It's always interesting to see the talent that some of the street performers have and how brave they are to perform in front of so many people. The big popular shows are always great to see but don't miss out on some of the smaller less popular shows, they can be very fun and often let you see up close and personal performances. On our last trip, we saw a smaller show call the "Beatleshow Orchestra". It was a great performance in a small venue. We could see the band up close and at the end you even get to meet them and take pictures with them if you want. It was a great show and I would recommend it to anyone.

Beatleshow Orchestra
The amount of art in Las Vegas or "Art City" ( as I now call it instead of Sin City ), seems like it is endless. There is art for all ages and all tastes. It seems there is always something new to see, or at least something that you missed or did not see the last time you were there. With all the art to be found in "Art City", don't be surprised if you see future posts about more specific artwork from Las Vegas.


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