Pearl Street Art Festival

A few weekends ago, I had a chance to make it to the Pearl Street Art Festival up in Boulder. I've written about Pearl Street before and if you're looking for a place to see a lot of different types of art, Pearl Street never disappoints.

Pearl Street is a great place to visit and going during the art festival can can be even better. Yes, it was the middle of July, extremely hot and the festival triples the crowd size but an art fest offers many things that typical museums and galleries do not.

At an art festival you get to see a very large volume of art using a wide variety of mediums. You get to view the art up close and most all of the art is for sale. While the art at a gallery is usually for sale, you won't find the the wide variety in type of art and price of the art that you will at a festival. Most galleries and museums feel very formal , but a festival feels like a great big fun party.

Festivals, galleries, museums,  they all have their pros and cons and I enjoy all of them very much. One of the great things about a festival though, is that most of the time you can meet and talk with the artists. Something you don't always get to do at other venues.

At the Pearl Street Art Fest, we met some wonderful artists while getting to see some extrordinary art. For instance, we met Justin Clements an award winning Oil Painter and instructor. We were able to take a look at his work in his booth and also speak with him. He is a young artist who's work is very inspiring and it was great to get a chance to talk with him while observing him working on a couple paintings on the side of his booth.

You can find out more about Justin and his wonderful work at :

Jane Johnson's art is full of vibrant color and has an abstract style that really draws your attention. Her booth was full of large acrylic on canvas works which attracted many spectators.

While we did not get to speak with Jane we did speak with one of her associates who was watching her booth while she was away. He was very informative and enthusiastic about her work and told us about her style and inspiration for her art. You can learn more about Jane at :

Metal Sculptor, Greg Gowen from Albuquerque, NM, had some really great pieces on display and I can only imagine what you might find in his galleries in New Mexico. With a real South Western and New Mexico style, he has been creating these outstanding pieces since 1987. His work really draws you in and his booth at the art festival really stood out to me from very far away.

The next time I am in Albuquerque I am really hoping to get a chance to visit his gallery in Old Town and see what else he has to offer. If you want to find out more about Greg and his work you can also visit :

As I mentioned above, an art fair usually offers a great variety of types of art and Greg's artwork definitely stands out in a crowd. Another artist's booth that we visited, creates pieces that are not only skillful drawings but are very unique because of the medium that he chooses. Jeffery St. Romain from New Orleans creates his artwork on skateboards. We did not get a chance to speak with Jeffery, as his booth was continuously full of people checking out his works which contain sketches of famous musicians as well as many other great subjects. I was unable to get any pictures of Jeffrey's work but you can take a look at what he has to offer at :

There were many other booths with an abundance of art all through Pearl Street and we thoroughly enjoyed the art festival experience. Art festivals really do offer you some things that you cannot get from a museum or a typical art gallery. They are up close, personal and give you a variety of art that you do not find in many other venues. It's easy to find art festivals in your area so I'm not going to list any schedules or places here. Just google art festivals in your area and you are sure to find numerous results of festivals both large and small. Art festivals really do help artists get there work out there an noticed which is great for artists of all types, skill levels and ages. Who knows, if you are ready to get your work out there you may just want to rent a booth yourself and display your awesome work for all of the public to see.


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