The Art of Australia : Introduction

Have you ever been on a journey in which everywhere you looked there was something new that you had never seen before? If you have you might find that there is also art everywhere you look. A couple weeks ago, I had the privilege of taking such a trip to Australia. This was my first trip to "The Land Down Under" and I can truly say that I could see art everywhere I looked. Maybe because it was my first time traveling to Australia or maybe it is just because the country has so much to offer. In any case there was enough to see that I will be making a series of posts about the trip my family and I took to Australia. Most of the posts will be centered on something to do with Art that we found or experienced there but I can't say I won't get into other topics about the Journey. I will definitely try to tie as much as I can to the art world. Sunrise over Sydney Harbor My first thought about Australia is that it really is a beautiful country. The majority of my time...