Going on an Art Hunt: Places to Find Art

When we think about art, many of us automatically think of Museums, art shows, or art festivals. They are the go-to places to find art but not the only places. Our world is full of art. It's all around us and often in places we may not think of.
Picasso Prints Found in an Antique Store
This series of posts (Going on an Art Hunt), will discuss alternative places to find and appreciate art. Today we are only going to introduce this series by briefly discussing the fact that art can be found in many places other than museums. 
We will talk about why you should look for art in other venues and then we will preview some of the places where we have found art and will discuss it in upcoming articles. 

Different Types of Art

At RMAG we have always made it a point to acknowledge that art exists in a multitude of forms. It's not just a painting hanging on the wall or a statue in a garden. Art is everywhere whether it is seen and acknowledged by all or just a few. 
With this being said, the type of art you are looking for may determine where you can find it. While some places may contain a wide variety of art, there are of course some places that may contain only one or two types. 
The more accepting you are of different types of art, the more places you will find art. So when you open your mind and see the art around you, you will find that there is art almost everywhere. For this series, we will explore a wide variety of art and that will open our search up to many different venues.

Why Should I Look to Alternative Locations for Art?

There are many common places that we go to look at and appreciate art, so you may ask, why should I look for alternative places? This is a great question and one that has many answers so I can’t cover all of them here, but I will give you a few to start with.
Discovering new venues to appreciate art can be exhilarating to many art lovers. At first, it's almost like finding a lost treasure, and once you start looking for places it becomes addictive. You begin looking for art everywhere you go and often in places where you can see art for free.
For example, you might not think of an airport as a place to find art, but walk through almost any airport and you will see paintings, sculptures, statues, and more. Appreciating this art may help you fill time until your flight leaves and it's possible you’ll find an unexpected piece that adds to your memories of that trip. 
That’s just one example, but finding art in unexpected places can help to provide memories, give us comfort, fill time, provide a learning experience, and much more. These are the types of things that we will discuss in this series of articles and the intent is to help us to be aware and appreciative of the art around us and also find new and exciting places to see art of all types.

Going on an Art Hunt: Preview

This subject isn’t really new to Rocky Mountain Art Group. We have done articles similar to this before such as the art sculptures we found in a hidden park in Northern Colorado or the abundance of art that can be found in Las Vegas. 
We even started to discuss some of the wonderful art found in Australia (Don’t worry we will probably revisit and expand on Australia in some way or form). 
Upcoming in this series, be prepared to discuss the abundance of art that can be found in antique stores, thrift stores, and even garage sales. These are just a few that we will get started with but I am pretty sure we will find much more to discuss.

Final Words

Although we most often look for art in common places such as museums, we know that art is everywhere in our world and it is great to discuss the places where we can all find and enjoy art of all types. 
What unexpected places have you found art? Let us know and we would be glad to discuss it and maybe even add it to our series.


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