What is an Artisan?

An artisan is a skilled person who creates useful items, usually by hand or with some type of manual process. A good example would be a person who creates items such as jewelry that they might sell at a craft fair, marketplace, or online store.

Photo by Melissa Medina

Artisans can be found all around us, making items such as jewelry, clothes, pet accessories, food and snacks, candles, home decorations, and much more. The abundance of artisans has grown greatly in the past few years, leading many who were not familiar with the term, to ask “What is an Artisan?”.

I have given you a definition and example above, but this may lead to more questions and we will discuss some of them below. So let’s continue discussing why there is such a surge in artisans today, whether or not an artisan is an artist, and if an artisan creates art. 

The Artisans Around Us

If you haven’t noticed, there are artisans all around us. Of course, you’ll find them at arts and crafts fairs and you’ll see their work online at websites like Etsy. Those are some obvious places, but they are often closer than you think.

If a product or service is not manufactured or created by automated machines in a factory, then they are most likely performed or made by an artisan! Your grandmother who crochets blankets is an artisan and your neighbor who makes wind chimes out of empty beer cans is an artisan.

There are many artisans that you might not even think of. Take for instance the arborist shown below. He has a definite skill and performs his work by hand and with tools, but there is no automated or mechanical process that does his job for him. 

Photo by Melissa Medina 

He has a specific method of trimming the limbs throughout the tree, making precise cuts at specific places so that the tree does not fall on anyone or anything. He is also creative in his methods. I observed another arborist do this a couple of days before and he used a much different method. 

He is definitely skilled and uses that skill to perform a service that is needed by many, but he also puts his own personal creative spin on how he does it.

I feel he is definitely an artisan and there are many others all around us who perform services and create products every day.

The Unsung Heros

Many artisans like the one described above are never recognized for their artistic skill. Most would not see the art in cutting down a dead tree but trust me. I watched him through the entire process and there was a creative way in which he did his job.

This has been common throughout history. The Renaissance period which is greatly known for its art was a time when many artisans when unknown. Important and powerful people would commission artists to do large painting projects such as in a church. 

The artist may have planned and directed the painting, but they usually had a whole team of artisans who did the majority of the work for which they were credited.

Where Have All the Artisans Come From

Artisans have never gone away. They have always been around doing the jobs and making products, but it seems lately there has been a large increase in artisans creating everyday items that we all purchase and use. Why the sudden increase?

In my opinion, there seems to be a trend of people wanting more and more handmade, hand-crafted products instead of things made in an automated factory. This in turn has created a higher demand for such products and a better market for those who can create them.

Let’s face it, wouldn’t you rather have jewelry that is hand-crafted by a local artisan who took their time and probably enjoyed making the product? Even if we have to spend a little more money on a hand-crafted product, we get a more unique product with a personal touch.

Another reason for this recent surge is probably due to recent economic situations. Many now struggle to afford the basic necessities and often need a side gig to make more money. Creating and selling products along with other personal services is often a side gig that can help supplement a person’s income and has become very popular in recent times.

Does an Artisan Create Art?

I believe that an artisan does create art. They use their individual skills and creativity to design, build, or do something that many others may not have the ability to do. These qualities of an artisan create unique, one-of-a-kind products and services.

I, myself, see art in many places and many forms so I do see the things that artisans create and do as art. It's not always flashy, controversial, or pop culture, but in my opinion, it is art.

Is an Artisan an Artist?

This is a question that often sparks debate with many and may warrant a separate discussion all on its own. There are various definitions for an artist. Most state that an artist is one who participates in one of the numerous creative arts, but I have seen one that defines an artist as a person who is skilled at a particular task or occupation.  This sounds very much like an artisan to me.

I do believe that an artisan is an artist but there certainly are many arguments that can be made on either side of this debate.

Final Words

Artisans are usually everyday people who have specific skills to create a product or perform a service that has their unique touch. Do you think artisans create art? Are artisans Artists? Let me know what you think. We would love to hear your opinion. 


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