Going on an Art Hunt: Antique Stores

If you have ever been to a large antique store, then you may already be aware of the great art pieces that can be found there. When we want to look at art we often think of museums or art shows and we forget about these types of places where there can be an abundance of art to check out.

Antiques stores have an extremely wide variety of art and in large ones, you can often spend hours looking at it. A few weeks ago, we went to a local antique store in the Denver area. There was so much to look at that it took us a couple of hours to walk through it.

Keep reading below and we will discuss why antique stores are a great place to find art and I will show you a small portion of what we found. If you like what you see, you might be inspired to visit some antique stores to see what you can find.

Why Antique Stores?

If you have never been to an antique store, you might be wondering why anyone would go to one to find art. Isn’t it just a store full of old furniture and knick-knacks from old houses that people are trying to get rid of? Well, there may be some like that, but in fact, most of them are much more. 

There are lots of old things from old houses and other places but when you think about what people may have had in those old houses you realize that lots of them probably had art hanging on their walls. They may have also had other types of art such as sculptures, ceramics, jewelry, and more. 

Some of it may not be that valuable but most of it is and some of it is very collectible which is why it has made its way to the antique store. Because of this, you will find a very wide variety of art in the store. This makes a superb place for any art lover to find the type of art they like.

The great thing about antique stores, other than the variety of art you will find, is that it’s totally free. You don’t have to pay any admission price like you do at a museum and you are not required to purchase anything. You can browse at your leisure and take in all the art that you would like.

If you see something you really like and would like to take it home, you can purchase it. Who knows you may find that lost piece of valuable art worth thousands of dollars or might just find something you would love to hang on your wall. 

Our Trip

This wasn’t my first trip to an antique store but I had not been to one in a long while. It was my first trip to the Colorado Antique Gallery. It is located on Broadway in Littleton, CO, and claims to be the largest antique mall in Denver. I haven’t been to all of them but I have no trouble believing this.

We spent over 2 hours going through the store and could have easily spent more. Every aisle was full of interesting items with an abundance of art in most of them. We took many photos and enjoyed the variety of artwork there. 

The walls were covered with paintings, sketches, photos, prints, and more. Some pieces are hidden amongst the other antique pieces for sale, so it's easy to miss some of them if you're not paying close attention.

This particular antique store is very large as they claim and I can see making multiple visits to it just to see and observe everything they have. This store mostly sells items from private sellers who rent each booth in the store. This helps to provide a diverse collection of items and also an ever-changing one since sellers often bring new items to their booths to sell.

Final Words

As you can see above, antique stores are a great place to find and see art, especially if you want to see a wide variety of it for free. Some of them are so large and contain so many things that it can take multiple visits to see everything. 

I highly recommend antique stores for a place to find art. You never know what kind of treasures you will find there. Have you found any great art pieces at an antique store? Let us know what you have found. We would love to hear from you.


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